A Good Mood

3 min readMar 19, 2020

Something John Cusak said to his sister, if I remember correctly, in Say Anything the movie, was why doesn’t she just have a good mood. Or put herself in a good mood.

At the time I first heard that scene I had laughed because at my stage in life it was something that didn’t seem possible.

But my growth, little by little, has made it so that I’ve been able to control my mood even when the circumstances all around me are negative.

It’s called perspective.

By thinking and focusing on something, you make it your center of attention. You make it the world, the reality, you live in. In the interior, where all the feelings and responses are, is where you are in control. The world, surprisingly to those that have told themselves otherwise their whole lives, is actually much different when one changes how one feels about it from the inside.

My faith has given me perfect peace most of the time… except when some small or big things catch me enough off guard or repetitively that I don’t take them in, in the right way, until I’ve had more time to adjust.

Love is the most important thing, and love means giving life, having value over life, and safeguarding each soul’s eternal life.

The reason we are here is love, for our lives and afterlives. That is why the rest of things, being put into the perspective as being less important than God’s plan, are simply not reason to make the passing valuable moment lived in worry instead of contentment and serenity.

I love you all and respect life. God bless you all, each and every one, and be praying together as this world unites under a common struggle.

The more we say things to ourselves, the more we either limit or expand our limitations. One can only focus on the positive or the negative at one time, why not look for, and find, the positive of things?

Can we put ourselves in a good mood? Yes! By saying to yourself (because you want to be in a good mood more than being right, right?) that you are in a good mood and that can do this and that it will be all right… the positive affirmations are self-fulfilling prophecies of success, motivated visualizations that achieve things. By projecting what you want, that makes it more likely and possible. It’s how life works, despite our pessimistic or sarcastic or “realist” illusions otherwise that temporary CAUSE the opposite until we have all we can take of ourselves.

So do something good for yourself and for others today. Find that happy place inside, and make it grow. Feed the wolf of the two wolves that is the good one, and it will grow. Make friends of enemies. Trust in everything having a purpose. Forgive those that, after all, are not benefited from the negative things in life any more than we ourselves are. Make a difference by changing the one in the mirror. Love.


